(Telephoto-dong Tufting Class) Making rugs and cushions using tufting with beautiful illustrations

Cold autumn is coming to my buttocks and winter is coming (\_(\(„•) ֊ •„)OO warm tea comes to mind, warm futons come to mind, cushions that wet your buttocks and rugs that wet your feet

I was born with cold hands and feet and cold lower abdomen, so I pay a lot of attention to heat insulation products as winter approaches. So I decided to make a pretty cushion to put clothes on a chair that feels cold again.I started working as my design because I thought it would go well with tufting cushions, even though the design was intended to be used as an art design ٩( ᐛ )

In order to make a cushion that fits the chair perfectly, I measured the size of the chair, drew a border, and sketched it for tufting.I could shoot a beam projector and sketch, but it wasn’t complicated, they just sketched.

Whenever one side of the petal was finished for embossing, she immediately used scissors.Can you see it?! The difference between curving and non-curved flowers

Whenever one side of the petal was finished for embossing, she immediately used scissors.Can you see it?! The difference between curving and non-curved flowers

It became a very cute flower /)/)o(*’^’*) The fluffy flowers were so cute that I thought I would try to top them up next time

Tarp the leaves beautifully! White flowers and dark green leaves go very well together

It wouldn’t take long if I did tufting without embossing, but it was time for the afternoon to go down @×@My arms are shaking and I’ll wrap up the next day.Going home (‘◇’,)/

The next day, I’ll cheer up as soon as I come use scissors again

I woke up for a while and was absentminded.Ah, I will take a picture while taking a picture

It’s done. >< The light green mint color, which has faded a little, is different from one photo to another, but it’s actually a more refreshing color!

The plastic chair was very cold, but the thread is 100% wool, so it’s warm right away><

And the fluffy one is a bonus!

It looks very beautiful, and I think it’s the best for interior decoration!When I try to do Instagram that I didn’t do, I focus like crazy and take pictures. I really envy those who are good at emotional photography˄ĭĭI’ve tried We run a regular class of emotional photography Heheterflying One Day Class.Please feel free to contact the open chat room at any time (´·᎑·`)Day Hanging Class Tuftingopen.kakao.comDay Hanging Class Tuftingopen.kakao.comDay Hanging Class Tuftingopen.kakao.com

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